Pakistan Army

This page is dedicated to Brave Soldiers of Pakistan Army

On Road to Progress

I know of no nation state that has achieved in five or six decades of its birth as much as Pakistan has achieved in all fields of human endeavour. When it burst forth on the world's map on I4th August 1947, it had no federal government, which was quickly created in large Euro tents under a cabinet of six ministers Shortage of pen, ink, paper was made up by using copying pencils.

Jinnah's vision of Pakistan

There is not much debate or even concern about what was the vision of the founders of Pakistan. What type of state they had in mind when they struggled of an independent country
that we call our homeland, Pakistan? In answering this question, we will assess whether or not we have been driven by that vision and how we have shaped our system of governance.

The Pride of Islam & Pakistan
Motto of Pakistan Army  


To have faith and trust in Allah and consider oneself:-

A follower of none but Allah.

And a follower of none but his messenger.

The concept of “no deity except Allah” is always alive in the Muslim’s heart. !!Read More!!


Taqwa signifies:-

The fear of Allah.

Guarding ones tongue, hands and heart from evil.

Righteous, piety and good conduct. !!Read More!!


The real objective of Islam is to shift the lordship of man over man to the lordship of Allah on the earth and to stake one's life and everything else to achieve this sacred purpose. The Arabic word “Jihad” means to struggle “or” to strive. In as much as “Jihad” is a struggle.!!Read More!!

A Journey from Scratch to Nuclear Power

The Pakistan Army came into being as a result of the amalgamation of the Muslim troops of the pre-independence British Indian Army. The origin of many of its units dates back to the beginning of the British rule in the subcontinent. This relation, however, is merely of historical nature. With the birth of Pakistan, a hotchpotch of the ill-equipped and ill-organized troops, breaking away from the old and established British Indian Army, had been transformed into a disciplined fighting force in consonance with the national ideals and aspirations. !!Read More!!

Honours and Awards

The military awards consist of Operational Awards, Non-Operational Awards, the Tamgha-i-Difa and the Imtiazi Sanad. In addition, campaign and commemorative medals for special occasions are instituted as and when necessary, Awards issued prior to 15 August 1947, will be governed by the rules applicable to them.

Opertional Awards

These comprise:




Tamgha-i-Jur’at. !!Read More!!

War History

There is no denying the fact that the Indian leadership never reconciled with the existence of Pakistan . They opposed its creation tooth and nail on one pretext or the other but they were unable to frustrate the strategy of Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. After the creation of Pakistan , the Indians have made continuous and concerted efforts to annihilate Pakistan . They have succeeded in seceding East Pakistan from us. !!Read More!!

Kashmir War 1947 - 49

By November 1947 Auchinleck, Supreme Commander based in New Delhi, being convinced that Indian Cabinet was seeking to destroy and undo Pakistan by economic and military means, was forced to resign. As the build-up of Indian forces in Jammu and Kashmir continued, Pakistan Army units were being hurriedly organized and equipped without any base for manufacture of ammunition, signal stores, equipment or vehicles. Simultaneously, Pakistan National Guards were raised from ex-servicemen and other volunteers along border areas to provide a second line of defence. !!Read More!!

1965 War

The Indian forces intruded into Pakistani area in the Rann of Kutch in April 1965. In a sharp and short conflict, the Indian forces were ejected. Both the armies had fully mobilized, with eyeball to eyeball contact. Pakistan proposed cease-fire, India accepted. An agreement was signed: the forces disengaged. The Award by the Arbitration Tribunal vindicated Pakistan 's Position. !!Read More!!

1971 War

With 1971 commenced the most tragic year of our history. Failing to resolve a political problem by political means, a Martial Law regime, manipulated by some megalomaniac politicians, resorted to military action in East Pakistan on night 25/26 March. Widespread insurgency broke out. !!Read More!!

Chumik Operation

The Siachen dispute was added to the roster of major issues in Indo-Pakistan relations for the first time in April 1984. During the month, Indian Army airlifted mountain trained forces into position over-looking key passes in the Baltoro Range , a spur of the Karakoram Mountains , flanking the Siachen Glacier's southern rim, setting in motion a spectacular high-altitude military struggle with Pakistan that has continued unabated to the present day. !!Read More!!


Hilal Magazine in EnglishHilal October 2011 EnglishHilal Magazine in EnglishHilal October 2011 English
Shuhadas Corner

Hilal October 2011 English
Motto of Pakistan Army

Journey from Scratch to Nuclear Power

Honours and Awards


The Army Chiefs

War History

Kashmir War 1947 - 49

1965 War

1971 War

Chumik Operation

Great Pakistan Army
Pak Army! The Pride of Islam & Pakistan


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